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Name: V.F. Wyler Gender: Male

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It is 1956. Betty Jo Carlson and her little brother, Johnny, have discovered an atomic monster dwelling in the lonely desert canyon outside their...
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vwyler posted a comment on The Unthinkable Hybrid Page 74: To clarify, I mean we need to be working on it really hard. We can't depend on oil forever.
vwyler posted a comment on The Unthinkable Hybrid Page 74: New energy seems like a no-brainer goal to me. ;)
The Unthinkable Hybrid Page 95 published on Fri Dec 10 2010 by vwyler
The Unthinkable Hybrid Page 94 published on Tue Dec 07 2010 by vwyler
The Unthinkable Hybrid Page 93 published on Mon Dec 06 2010 by vwyler
The Unthinkable Hybrid Page 92 published on Thu Dec 02 2010 by vwyler
The Unthinkable Hybrid Page 91 published on Tue Nov 30 2010 by vwyler
The Unthinkable Hybrid Page 90 published on Sun Nov 28 2010 by vwyler
The Unthinkable Hybrid Page 89 published on Fri Nov 26 2010 by vwyler
The Unthinkable Hybrid Page 88 published on Tue Nov 23 2010 by vwyler
The Unthinkable Hybrid Page 87 published on Sun Nov 21 2010 by vwyler
The Unthinkable Hybrid Page 86 published on Fri Nov 19 2010 by vwyler
The Unthinkable Hybrid Page 85 published on Wed Nov 17 2010 by vwyler
The Unthinkable Hybrid Page 84 published on Mon Nov 15 2010 by vwyler
vwyler posted a comment on The Unthinkable Hybrid Page 83: Caught up! More coming soon!;D
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