plutonium casserole

Autobio diary comic about my life as computer geek and comic artist. Styles will vary. Updates about once a week.
By: stuart b.
Total Pageviews: 44440
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Posted on Sunday Apr 08, 2012 by plutonium678
Hello, this time I have a thumbnail! These are the jobs I had up to 1985 when I was in my 20's. Hasn't everyone tried selling something at one point in their life? My very first job was trying to sell encyclopedias. One gem I took away from that is the philosophy we are as rich or poor as we choose to be. Then after that - what every young man does, fast food joints! My longest job was at Burger King. The rookie's job being climbing up under that hot broiler hood and scrubbing off the accumulated grease inside. But, I made friends at BK and had a steady job. What more could a young guy ask?
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